Vegetable Charcoal:
Indications: Flatulence, indigestion and intestinal distention.
Dose and Administration: One to three soft gelatins capsules three times daily after meals. Food poisoning and sever diarrhea 3-5 capsules 3 times daily. Children (above 2 years) one capsule once daily.
Indications: symptomatic treatment of all types of excessive gas accumulation in GIT also to prepare for radiological investigations.
Contraindications: obstructive gastrointestinal disorders.
Dose and Administration:
Adults: one to two chewable tablets 3 times after meals and bedtime. 25-50 drops with little fluid after meals and bedtime. Children: one tablet 3 times after meals and bedtime. 15-20 drops with little fluid after meals and bedtime. Infants: 10-15 drops 3 times daily.