May 19, 2021

Is Your Hospital Quality Of Care What It Should Be? 5 Issues To Know

The debate over what is Hospital quality of care has become more intense than ever with the recent scandals in major U.S. medical institutions and the disturbing reports of medical malpractice cases in many of the country's hospitals. Questions have been asked, concerns have been voiced, and rumors have circulated.
May 18, 2021

4 Signs Your Hospital Is Low-Quality

As a medical professional, you will want to know the signs that your hospital is not providing the quality care (low-quality) it should for its patients. After all, it is your duty as a doctor to make sure your patients get high-quality care and the best medical attention available.
May 16, 2021

Healthcare Quality Review and Inspections (CMS)

The healthcare quality department is in charge of the creation of hospital policy and procedures. Healthcare professionals within the department are responsible for ensuring that all of the processes in a hospital operate smoothly and consistently for every patient no matter what his or her initial visit was.
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