
January 6, 2018

Drugs used in neuromuscular disorders 

  Drugs that enhance neuromuscular transmission Anticholinesterase drugs enhance neuromuscular transmission in voluntary and involuntary muscle in myasthenia gravis. They prolong the action of acetylcholine by […]
January 6, 2018

Fluids and electrolytes

Fluids and electrolytes Oral preparations for fluid and electrolyte imbalance Oral Potassium POTASSIUM CHLORIDE: Indications: For the treatment of patients with hypokalemia with or without metabolic […]
January 6, 2018

Drugs used in rheumatic diseases and gout

Drugs used in rheumatic diseases and gout   Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs In regular full dosage NSAIDs have both a lasting analgesic and an anti-inflammatory effect which makes […]
January 5, 2018

Cytotoxic drugs

    Side-effects of cytotoxic drugs The following are the Side-effects common to most cytotoxic drugs.Extravasation of intravenous drugs; A number of cytotoxic drugs will cause […]
January 5, 2018

Drugs affecting the immune response

Immunosuppressants are used to suppress rejection in organ transplant recipients and to treat a variety of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Solid organ transplant patients are […]
January 5, 2018

Drugs for genito-urinary disorders

Drugs for urinary retention Chronic retention is painless and often long-standing. Catheterisation is unnecessary unless there is deterioration of renal function. After the cause has initially […]
Drugs for genito-urinary disorders
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