Use of Intra Lipid to prevent miscarriage

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  • Author
    • #48571

      Rani Sudarshana

      I would like to know about clinical evidence supporting the use of lipid (once / month) to avoid miscarriage, during high risk pregnancy.

    • #48575

      Naveed Rivas

      In our practice we add 100ml of 20% intralipids to 250ml of normal saline. Attached are articles related to the said subject. To make it easy to find the relevant information, type ”Intralipid” in the (find) option of adobe.

      You can check (Intralipid as treatment for recurrent unexplained abortion) in pubmed (under PMID: 7718096). Also there’s a trial on Clinical with Identifier: .NCT01788540. 

      It’s thought that it counteracts the effect of antiphospholipid antibodies which are susbected to cause repeated miscarriage.

      I hope that this would be of a benefit.

    • #48576

      Christian Lancaster
      A study – published in the American Journal of Reproductive Immunology states that Natural killer cells have been found to be higher in many women with recurrent pregnancy loss.
      In such cases, Predisolone Steroids have been found to be anti-inflammatory and effective in calming the immune system. 
      In some cases the administration of Immunoglobulins can be effective. 
      Intralipids is a nutritional supplement made up of fat emulsion which is known to accumulate in macrophages and NK cells. A number of studies have shown that intravenous intralipids suppress NK and pro-inflammatory cytokines cytotoxicity as efficiently as Immunoglobulins 
      In our practice we are adding 100 ml of 20% intralipid in 250 or 500 ml of normal saline and infuse over 2-4 hours.
      The only disadvantages of intralipid therapy is that there are limited patient studies available on the efficacy and safety of the product in infertility patients. It also has not been studied in patients with other immune conditions such as low Treg cells or elevated Th1:Th2 cytokines. 
      below is the link of this study.

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Use of Intra Lipid to prevent miscarriage
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