Patient’s reported serum labs for lipase, Total billirubin, direct billirubin, TRG, and cholesterol are all within normal. Patient had no H/O acute or chronic pancreatitis. The only diagnosis uncontrolled Crohn’s disease.
We gave the patient a test dose 100ml of 20% over 3 hours. She experienced only minor abdominal pain and legs muscle pain. The patient agreed to start full dose 50gm intralipid to be mixed in PN 3:1. Unfortunately, in the middle of infusion the abdominal pain and muscle pain started getting worse. The primary physician decided to stop the infusion and continue only PN 2:1. May be will recommend oral MCT oil ???.
I have a patient experienced severe abdominal pain (cramps) and muscle aches after receiving intralipid 20% (50gm) in PN 3:1. patient had H/O allergy to soy. Do you recommend switching to SMOF. I am aware both products contain soy.