Ezra Scott

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  • in reply to: Shifting from SMOF to intralipid #49165
    Forum Replies Created | Intralipid 20% is a Good Enough Alternative
    Ezra Scott

    Intralipid 20% is a good enough alternative, just remember that in some countries (and even in our paediatric hospital until very recently) the fat emulsion of choice is/was intralipid 20%. Just proceed with the same precautions you would use with all lipids and same monitoring requirements (consult PI for max rate of infusion etc).

    I completely agree with previous recommendations of using Omegaven 10% in babies reliant on long term PN if the shortage of SMOF continues.

    in reply to: Premix TPN #48507
    Forum Replies Created | Intralipid 20% is a Good Enough Alternative
    Ezra Scott

    I think it can be a good starter for a new patient
    I met the company previously and they have three different bags with different calories.
    My concern about mixing the lipid with PN, which can increase the risk of precipitation for any reason without catching the small particles.
    As I recognized from my experience some units they have a hot climates and manipulate the PN frequently and that can increase the risk.
    But it’s optional to add the lipid to PN.
    I have some valuable information about the product.
    Please, let me keep now if you need anymore help.

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Ezra Scott
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