The Critical Importance of Having a Mission, Goals & Defined Values

With our Gremlins thoroughly in check, we’re now ready to discover the things that are going to help us make our best and most fulfilling lives possible.
Literally dozens of the world’s most inspiring and accomplished people, nearly all of them have in common is that they all have some sense of a mission. And they are all very serious about their goals. Of course, it’s safe to say that most of us have goals in our lives. We want to have a job we like, enough money to support ourselves and our families.
And we want to make it to that hot travel destination that everyone’s been talking about. But how many of us have concrete, actionable goals that increase our chances of achieving them?
How many of us have a defining ideology or mission that drives the goals we set and the directions that we pursue in our lives, and above all, how many of us have a set of habits or frameworks by which we systematically and methodically check off the goals that move us further down our chosen paths?
As Yogi Berra said, If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there. Not only is this quite humorous, but it’s also incredibly true. In life, we all take unique paths. And what ultimately determines which paths we should and take is where we hope to go.
In a word. That end destination is called our mission. And as you’ve probably observed by now, we speak very often of missions. We consider them to be central to our success, meaning making, and happiness. Sure, we all value many of the same things: health, family, wealth, happiness, but if you ever asked yourself, what is your guiding mission? What were you put on this earth to do? A mission statement is just that. A defining reason for being that outlined intent of an organization’s business or an individual is a mission statement.
The mission is the reason for being. The mission statement is the general statement through which the overall strategy that governs the goals and organisation is created.
Until you know that, how can you possibly know what direction to take? How can you know what goals to set? Of course you can. That’s why in the coming posts, we’ll dive deep into the idea of having established and defined core values and personal mission statement helping you to determine both before we go into the creation of concrete goals that will get you all the way there. Get excited because the real work is about to start.