How to brainstorm new ideas?
If you suffer from the inability to think new and unique ideas, it’s time for you to learn. A simple exercise that I did recently to assist me with my problem was to write down the following statement: “I am an impulsive person who needs to have things out in the open.” This statement lets you know that you need to be open to ideas that come to you, not shut them away in your head or drawer in case you are overwhelmed.

Here are some ways to assist you in brainstorming new ideas: Have everything down on paper. This is an important part of the creative problem-solving process because it helps you to actually mentally visualize the idea. Brainstorming without a mental picture in your head is just like trying to jog while running at the park. You don’t get anywhere. Write down the idea on a piece of paper or index card and keep it by your side for future reference. Note: do not just write down the title of the idea.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the idea. Too many people use the brainstorming process as a list making process. What you want to do is look at each concept individually. Focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the idea, then determine if those two things are related.
Split and divide

Split the ideas into different perspectives. By separating the ideas into different perspectives, you will have a better chance of coming up with innovative new ideas. Each perspective has a set of unique insights that are valuable to you. These insights should be brought out and used for your next idea.
Use the weak points in your favor
Use the strengths and weaknesses of the ideas against each other. For instance, the weaknesses of one perspective can be turned into a strength when placed against another perspective. Everyone has their own sets of strengths and weaknesses. Use these strengths and weaknesses against each other in your creative process in order to come up with the best set of solutions.
Remember that brainstorming is just a creative process. Don’t let it be controlled by the idea. Ideas will naturally flow during a brainstorming session. It’s just getting them out of your head that can be difficult. Once you have identified the most creative aspects of your ideas, you can take those aspects and incorporate them into your final plan.
Give yourself time to process your thoughts

Make sure to give yourself enough time to think through new ideas. If you try to complete a big brainstorming project in a week, you may not get the ideas that you came up with. A lot of times, creative people like to take their time. Taking a long list and writing down as many different perspectives as possible is one way to ensure you’ll get lots of new ideas. Taking a long list of different perspectives gives the mind something to compare the ideas to and helps with visualization.
The ideas you generate through the brainstorming process can turn into wonderful products or services. In order to generate ideas quickly, you have to learn how to sift through the good and discover the great. To ensure that you generate ideas quickly and are able to incorporate the great insights you’ve uncovered, make sure you understand the difference between generating ideas and discovering them. A great brainstorming session can be a productive process but if it is overly consuming, you may be wasting your time.
What kind of insight can you extract from a brainstorming session? The insights you gain from a brainstorming session can be applied in many ways. For instance, if you are working on a business task, using the ideas generated can help you organize your thoughts and come up with an efficient plan. Likewise, if you are researching an idea for a publication, you’ll gain insights that could help you shape the content and design of the publication. Whatever the case, the insights you gain from the brainstorming sessions you attend should not be used exclusively in a particular situation but instead, applied creatively throughout your life.
A creative process
You need to be careful with brainstorming because while it is a creative process, it is also a crucial step in problem solving. Without the insights from the session you just had, you won’t know where to begin exploring possible solutions. You won’t know if a particular approach will be more effective than another or if a particular tactic will produce the desired results. This is why it is important to conduct sessions regularly.
Turning brainstorming into a healthy habit
When you start asking yourself these questions, you’ll notice that brainstorming becomes an addictive process. As you become familiar with the questions you must answer, the easier it becomes to generate ideas from your list of possible solutions. Brainstorming generates several different answers, each of which adds to your arsenal of problem-solving techniques. These ideas can be applied to a variety of situations so that you can solve problems more effectively and efficiently.
1 Comment
Thank you so much for these words. It really helps.