- Anesthesia and analgesia for patients undergoing elective and emergency surgical and allied procedures. The service include preoperative assessment and preparation of patients, and care during and after anesthesia.
- Anesthetic services for the obstetric service. These include education of parents, providing analgesia during labor, administering anesthesia where needed, provision of resuscitation skills and care for those mothers requiring intensive or high care facilities.
- Provision of anesthetic services for patients requiring intensive care or high dependency care.
- Anesthesia for specialist surgery such as neurosurgical and pediatric procedures.
- Provision of anesthesia in day case. This will include the selection of suitable patients using medical and social criteria, the choice of suitable facilities and techniques and the provision of postoperative care and support.
- Service for acute pain management.
- Participation in the emergency resuscitation services.
- The anesthesia department is an independent clinical department.
- The chief of anesthesia will be answerable to the Medical Director.
- The staff members of the department consist of head of anesthesia, consultant’s specialists and residents with appropriate qualifications and experience.
- Qualified anesthesiologist provide anesthesia services and must be present inside operating room throughout the operation/procedure.
- All the members of the team are answerable to the head of anesthesia.
- Anesthesia consultant administer and supervises anesthesia for major/specialized surgery such as neurosurgical and pediatric procedure.
- All services provided are under the supervision of a consultant. This applies to all anesthetic services.
- Anesthetist and anesthesia technicians must be certified for advanced life support as appropriate.
- All patients, admitted for surgery, will be seen in the pre- anesthesia clinic by the anesthetist, where the preoperative anesthetic fitness assessment will be done. Any further investigations or consultation will be done there.
- Patient information, on the type of anesthesia, risks involved, fasting protocols postoperative pain management, intensive care etc, will be discussed and recorded in the preoperative assessment forms.
- Any complicated cases will be discussed with the Head, or consultant anesthetist.
- Pre/Postoperative care
- The anesthetist delegated to the case will be endorsed, by the reception staff on arrival to the operating room.
- Perioperative care starts with going through the timeout policy, and pre-induction standard monitoring, with trained anesthesia technician.
- Complete documentation of perioperative events are recorded on the perioperative form, on completion of case, patient is transferred to recovery room by the designated anesthetist and handed over to the trained recovery staff.
- When the discharge criteria is met patient is transferred out, by the anesthetist.
- The anesthetist should assigned the patient both pre and postoperatively. Unless in emergency or unusual circumstances this is a requirement of the specialty. Ideally this should be carried out by the anesthetist who is to administer the anesthetic.
- The anesthetist is responsible for perioperative management of the patient, documentation of preoperative records and following guidelines for patient management.
- Patients leaving the operating theatre require some degree of postoperative care. Recovery facilities must therefore be situated close to the theatre complex and be staffed by trained personnel who are capable of managing airway care, pain relief and general patient support until the patient is well enough to return to the ward. The anesthetist will then have to remain with the patient until full recovery has been achieved.
- Acute – mainly postoperative – pain services are initiated by anesthetists. This will require the support of well- trained theatre, recovery and ward staff to maintain continuity.
- The anesthetist attending the case is responsible for the transfer, endorsement and management of patients who require intensive care ventilator support post operatively.
- The provision of skilled assistance for anesthetists is an essential part of the provision of the anesthetic service. Skilled assistance for anesthetists from either nurses or technician who have undergone appropriate training is required in every situation where anesthetics are administered.
- Should be present for all cases, involving anesthesia, minimum monitoring and conscious sedation.
- Checking, maintaining the anesthesia machine monitors and suction at all times.
- Assists in intravenous assess, induction, intubation, positioning maintenance and recovery of anesthesia.
- Understands the procedures for rapid sequence induction in emergency situations.
- Learns the names of equipments, drugs and their locations.
- Maintains and aware of the safety regulations. Covers the on call for emergency cases and code blue.