Medications Used in Extravasation Kits
November 6, 2020Understanding Chemotherapy
November 11, 2020About Interferon Beta-1b:
It’s an Interferon that is used to treat Multiple sclerosis.
Interferon Beta-1b is used for:
Multiple sclerosis, relapsing.
Interferon Beta-1b Mechanism of Action:
Mechanism in the treatment of MS is unknown; however, it enhances suppressor T cell activity, reducing of proinflammatory cytokines, down-regulating of antigen presentation, and reducing trafficking of lymphocytes into the central nervous system. Improves MRI lesions, decreases relapse rate, and disease severity in patients with secondary progressive MS.
Dosing of Interferon Beta-1b:
Adults/Geriatric:SubQ: Initial: 0.0625 mg every other day; gradually increase dose by 0.0625 mg every 2 weeks to a target dose of 0.25 mg every other day.
0.0625 mg = 2 million units
Doesn’t require dose adjustment for renal patients.
Doesn’t require dose adjustment for hepatic patients.
Ref.BNFLexicomp – Drug information handbookExtavia (interferon beta-1b) [prescribing information].Betaseron (interferon beta-1b) [prescribing information].