September 19, 2020

Trastuzumab Emtansine Chemo Preparation

Depending on the reaction type of the reaction severity, the dose should be decreased and patient status is to be monitored, as mentioned, the regular dose is 3.6mg per kg, If this dose induced some reaction/toxicity, next dose should be 3mg per kg, and the following dose is 2.4mg per kg if another reaction took place with the first dose adjustment, however if the reaction still not controlled with the second dose reduction, the treatment should be discontinued and alternative therapy should be pursued.
September 8, 2020

The Risks The Chemotherapy Preparations Have On Staff.

Exposure can occur at any point dealing with the hazardous materials, starting from receiving the items from the vendors to the pharmacy stores all the way to the patient administration / infusion time. Any personnel dealing with hazardous drugs, through transportation, clean room preparation, patient dosage administration or even waste disposal may be at risk.
September 7, 2020

Healthcare accreditation: Definition and value

Accreditation helps improve patient safety and minimize the risk of near misses out on, adverse outcomes, and medical errors: making sure patient safety through danger management and danger reduction is at the heart of all accreditation standards and is the supreme goal of the self-assessment and the survey activities.
September 6, 2020

Drug-induced hyperhidrosis and hypohidrosis

The human sweating action is subject to the impact of diverse classes of drugs. Some act centrally at the hypothalamus or at spinal thermoregulatory center, while others act at sympathetic ganglia or at the eccrine-neuro-effector junction.
August 26, 2020

Medical Transcription – A Career To Follow?!

Medical Transcription is the procedure of analyzing and recording the dictation made by physicians or various other healthcare experts concerning patient status, treatment procedures, diagnoses, prognoses, etc. With medical transcription of determined information from physicians, the medical transcriptionist might additionally modify the message that is generated by voice recognition software program. Medical Transcription is the equating of dictations made by a physician. Because of this, it requires an extensive knowledge of medical, pharmacological and physiological terms.
Medical Transcription – A Career To Follow?!
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